Personal injury attorneys in Texas take cases with catastrophic injuries, but many people wonder what a lawyer considers catastrophic.

The seriousness of these injuries can influence the outcome and compensation received in a case. For this reason, it is important for victims to understand what defines these injuries.

Catastrophic injuries cause harm

Lawyer Monthly states that catastrophic injuries result in “permanent disability or disfigurement that prevents the victim from leading” a normal life after the accident. Weighing how much damages to award becomes less concrete because of how serious these injuries are. Depending on the severity of the injury, the harm caused to the victim may be higher than a similar case.

The most common types of catastrophic injuries involve damage to the brain, spinal cord or organs. Additionally, serious burns, severe scarring, paralysis on a complete or partial basis, amputation or limb loss, multiple fractures to bones and disfigurement can all result in long-term harm to the victim.

Injury damage calculation explained

K-Ten shows how the financial impact of injuries directly correlates to the damages awarded. Damages in the state reflect more than simply property damage and medical bills due to the accident. Victims can receive pain and suffering damages that reflect financial loss due to persisting injuries, emotional grief, future income loss, PTSD and family time loss related to the injuries.

Pain and suffering damages are less cut and dry than physical damages such as medical bills. Catastrophic injuries tend to cause significant losses related to future income and family time from an inability to lead the life the victim once had. Providing evidence for pain and suffering can get the victim the right amount of compensation.